English for the Wine Industry / Inglés para la Industria Vitivinícola eBook


EBook and MP3 Files

Sample lesson Lección de muestra

Inglés para la Industria Vitivinícola  está dirigido a hispanohablantes interesados en adquirir un conocimiento básico del inglés y su aplicación a la industria del vino. A partir de la primera unidad, encontrará vocabulario y situaciones pertinentes al viñedo y la bodega que le permitirán aplicar lo aprendido. Los temas incluyen la preparación del terreno, el riego,  la poda, el control de enfermedades y plagas, la cosecha, la trituración, el saneamiento de la bodega, y la cata.

Un buen complemento de este libro es nuestro Diccionario en línea inglés-español para la industria vitivinícola.

English for the Wine Industry is intended for Spanish speakers interested in acquiring a basic knowledge of English and its application to the wine industry. Beginning with the first unit, you will find vocabulary and situations pertinent to the vineyard and the winery allowing you to apply what you learn. Topics include soil preparation, irrigation, planting, pruning, disease and pest control, harvesting, crushing, winery sanitation, filling paperwork and safety.

The textbook,  is written in Spanish and English, and begins by addressing the essential questions, “Where are you” and “What are you doing”.

As students progress through the 20 units, they master basic sentence structure while utilizing a wine-based vocabulary as they learn to say ” I am in the cellar” or “He unplugs the pump”. Time, dates, measurements, practical working situations in the vineyard and winery and safety topics are covered, and exercises guide students in translating notices and understanding applications as well as talking about wine glasses, pruning shears and lunch breaks.

ESL teacher David Allred used the materials she developed. “It is an excellent text with many important wine-industry specific vocabulary words and phrases, Allred said. “It served as an effective structure for our course, and the students were engaged because the material was relevant to their jobs. Most texts are for learners just desiring to get by in the community, but Josefina’s is aimed primarily at winery-based English language fluency. I would highly recommend it.” Another good compliment to this book is our Online English-Spanish Dictionary for the Wine Industry.


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